Hemp VS Marijuana: What Is The Best Medical Effect?

Both Hemp and Marijuana are another name for cannabis. In that hemp refers to male cannabis and marijuana refers to female cannabis, you can buy cannabis from 420 seed bank.
Hemp doesn’t seem as famous as marijuana because it has more industrial value than entertainment. These two strains are not only different in name and value, but they are also separated in many factors.
However both hemp and marijuana have great medical effects. Both strains are remedies that can treat some symptoms for patients.
Let’s put them in a confrontation to see hemp vs marijuana, which one is the best medical effect to buy marijuana seed banks.

#1 Hemp

Hemp has a vertical body, about 1.5 meters high and can be divided into branches depending on the living environment and the care of growers. All parts of the hemp are covered with a fine, white fur.
The portion used for hemp’s medical purposes is the seed. The seed can also be pressed into oil or dried to make medicine. However, to make medicine, it needs to go through many processing stages to eliminate reading in the shell.
The hemp contains about 30% of the dry oil composed of linolenic glycerides and linoleic acid. Also in the kernel contains edestinase and trigonellin L (d) -isoleucine betaine. Therefore, it has many uses in medicine.
The effect of hemp resin depends on the processing and usage. But its most common use is in reducing physical and mental weakness.
In addition, it has analgesic and antibiotic effects against certain types of bacteria. In some areas, people use hemp oil to make disinfectants. However, it should not be left on for long.
It can also help treat constipation, dark spots, psoriasis and help laxative.

#2 Marijuana

The trichome resin glands form on the leaves, buds and branches of the marijuana plant that contains compounds called cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are active substances that have pharmacological effects on the whole body, especially on the central nervous system and immune system.
Cannabinoids are also known as phytocannabinoids. The most active in marijuana is delta-9-THC. Another powerful cannabinoid is cannabidiol (CBD), which helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation without feeling high like delta-9-THC.
Cannabinoids can be used to treat side effects of cancer and to treat cancer. There are also a number of other effects such as anti-inflammatory, reducing cell growth, blocking the growth of blood vessels that nourish tumors, antiviral activity and helping to reduce muscle spasms in multiple diseases.
They can be used by eating, drinking (herbal tea products) or by inhaling. When ingested, the main active ingredient delta-9-THC will be metabolized in the liver, forming a metabolite with a stronger nerve stimulating activity.
When inhaled, cannabinoids enter the bloodstream faster, but less stimulating metabolites are produced.
In addition to the popular forms of preparations above, marijuana is currently being studied to prepare in the form of sublingual sprays.

Final Verdict

Through the above information, we find that marijuana has a better medical effect than hemp. However hemp is also a great value cannbis strain and has certain medical effects.