Do you need the best LED aquarium lighting for your freshwater aquarium?

Aquarium lighting is a vital aspect for an aquarium but it gets hard to understand and sometimes it might be skipped. Using the light properly are necessary things to keep your freshwater stay healthy.

You will have many options to choose for this type of lighting such as traditional incandescent, fluorescent, metal halide lighting, but using the light-emitting diode (LED) is also wisely investment for your aquarium. There are many benefits that the best LED aquarium lighting brings to your fish tank:

The best LED aquarium lights will save more energy for other types of bulbs. On average, the LED lights take less up to 80% of energy than others. Using LED lights will make a big difference in the cost you need to pay for lighting systems in a month.

Unlike incandescent bulbs and fluorescents bulbs, LED lights do not produce much amount of heat, which means they do not heat up your fish tank. But LED lights need good circulation too, to avoid the bad effect of heat on the lifespan of the LED chip.

An outstanding advantage of LED lights is that they have a much longer life than other bulbs. 50.000 hours is the time that the LED lights can exist if they have a good condition to run. Meanwhile, the incandescent bulbs exist only 4 months. Standard fluorescent bulbs and metals halide have the same lifespan of about 6-18 months.  And the fluorescent bulbs cannot work after 28 months of using.

There are also many options for the colors of LED lights. You can choose their colors spectrum (by K system) depend on your purpose. If you prefer the best LED aquarium lighting for plant and want to choose something can improve photosynthesis of your plant, then 8,000K white spectrums will be a good idea to choose.