Can red eared slider eat canned foods?

It is obvious that natural foods are always better to provided your red eared slider. You need to ensure that they have a proper diet that supports a healthy, long-lived, and strong turtle. However, in some pinch cases, when you ran out of best food for red eared slider or you may be able to find a snack in your pantry that you think your turtle will love.

While in captivity, they are likely to feed on just about anything you feed them, but repeated use will likely lead to nutritional problems for your pets. These flowing are some canned foods that you should or should not feed your slider.

#1 Canned Pet Foods

Canned foods for dog and cat can be digested by turtle. However, feeding canned pet foods for slider will decrease the water quality in turtle tank. These foods are unthinkably messy, and guaranteed to turn the water cloudy. To avoid this, you should only offer a small amount if food at a time and ensure that your slider eat all the food you give them.

Canned foods that are contain cut meats are better to feed than chopped or pureed meats. Your pets will accept almost any particular flavour, but fish- or poultry-based foods are probably the best choice.

#2 Dry dog and cat foods

You can provide a small amount of dry, kibble dog or cat food for red eared slider on an occasional basis. It is always better feeding high quality, meat-based dry foods as they contain much more nutrients than those made mostly of wheat, corn or rice.

Some types of kibble are too large for turtle to swallow, you may have to break them into smaller pieces. Ensure that you offer them with the food smaller than the gap between their eyes.

#3 Canned fruits or vegetables

If there are any canned squash, green beans, peas, apples, pears or carrots in your pantry, you can rest your mine to provide your pets. Like any other canned food, you just need to ensure these products are not contain added oil or salt and rinse them before offering.

Acidic fruits and vegetables, including hot peppers (green bell peppers are safe) or citrus fruits, as well as pickled fruits or vegetables are not appropriate for turtles.